In the 2000 Taiwanese elections, the vitriol from Beijing actually gave Chen a 5% boost in the polls.
在香港单方面改变选举模式introduce electoral changes in Hong Kong unilaterally
returned home after a brief stopover in Hong Kong
在国际社会中孤立台湾has isolated Taiwan in the world community
在国际社会里孤立台湾isolate Taiwan from the international community
她会尊重台湾人民的意愿she would respect the decisions of the Taiwanese people
The move can send a goodwill message to Beijing.
自回归以后since reunification
But dialogue or talks should be on the basis that [Chen] first of all recognise the 'one China' principle. Under this precondition, anything can be discussed.
作为民主党和中央政府的中间人act as a middleman between the Democrats and Beijing
希望见到中台会在「一个中国」原则下和平统一hoped to see peaceful reunification of the country under the principle of "one China"
希望最终和中国大陆统一seek eventual reunification with China
I cannot betray the people of Taiwan, nor can I betray my own conscience.
I am willing to once again declare that the door of cross-strait negotiation is wide open.
Over the past few years I have been saying, "When Hong Kong succeeds, China will benefit.
I believe the outcome of the interpretation will be moderate and acceptable to the Hong Kong people. It's not very domineering or like imposing something on Hong Kong.
We cannot possibly accept the "one country, two systems" formula and become a local government of the People's Republic of China.
We must reject the "one China" claim.
We depend on each other like lips and teeth.
I sincerely hope that Hong Kong compatriots can put the city's long-term prosperity and stability as well as their long-term fundamental interests as the priority.
把希望寄予台湾人民身上pin its hopes on the Taiwanese people
把两岸的关系定性为「国与国」的关系characterised relations between the two sides as "state to state"
批评人大释法criticised the NPC interpretation
改善两岸关系improve cross-strait relations
改善与大陆的关系improve relations with the mainland
There could be no further moves toward democracy in Hong Kong without Beijing's approval.
没有资格评论谁爱国was in no position to judge who was a patriot
没有逾越基本法的规限not to tread beyond the parameters of the Basic Law
享有高度自治enjoyed a high degree of autonomy
使用武力制止**resort to force in order to prevent Taiwan becoming independent
来港为市民打气come here to lift our morale
two visiting "guardians" of the Basic Law
两岸一中`two sides, one China'
The ban on travel between Taiwan and the mainland had been lifted.
两岸直航cross-strait flights
两岸政策cross-strait policy
两岸关系cross-strait relations
两国论two states theory
两条条文关乎「二零零七年以后」行政长官和立法会的产生办法和The two articles concern the selection of the chief executive "subsequent to the year 2007" and the forming of the Legislative Council "after 2007".
呼吁民主派和中央政府要和解called for conciliation between the democracy camp and the central government
呼吁两岸直接三通,无须经过第三个机场called for direct flights with Taiwan that did not have to route through a third airport
和官员坦诚相见held frank discussions with officials
The officials maintained that the future electoral methods must be consistent with the principle of "gradual and orderly progress" and evolve in the light of the "actual situation" in Hong Kong.
拒绝与香港的民选代表直接对话refuse direct dialogue with Hong Kong's elected representatives
拖延procrastinate (vi)/procrastination (u)
非和平手段non-peaceful measures
Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday that the referendum would lead to increased tension across the Taiwan Strait.
前基本法草委许崇德former Basic Law drafter Xu Chongde
建立两岸军事互信机制the establishment of a mechanism to create military mutual trust
建立党对党共同沟通平台build a platform for regular party-to-party consultation
按中央政府意愿投票vote in accordance with the central government's wishes
政权平稳过渡realising a smooth political transition
春节包机the Lunar New Year cross-strait charter flight arrangement
为「一国两制」敲起丧钟sounding the death knell for "one country, two systems"
为台湾宣布**壮胆emboldening Taiwan to declare independence
相信中国不会动武believe Beijing will not go beyond verbal attack
研究特首及立法会产生办法的问题时必须听取中央的意见must listen to the views of the central government when studying ways of electing its chief executive and the Legislative Council
要求中国撤除对准台湾的近五百枚飞弹demand that China dismantle almost 500 missiles it has aimed at Taiwan
要求北京宣布放弃对台湾使用武力renounce the use of force against the island
The timing of the exercise and other details had yet to be decided by the military and President Jiang Zemin.
重申一国两际的重要性reinforced the importance of "one country, two systems"
重申支持台湾关系法reiterated his support for Taiwan Relations Act
面对中共的盛怒要保持信心remain confident in the face of Beijing's wrath
When Hong Kong reverted to Chinese sovereignty on July 1, 1997, the air was full of forecasts of impending doom for the former British colony's individual freedoms.
Whatever drives a wedge between Hong Kong and the mainland could imperil the territory's future.
Our fundamental interest is to ensure economic development and also to maintain a sound relationship between the central government and Hong Kong.
Hong Kong's political system should conform with its legal status as a regional administrative zone directly under the central government.
香港基本法委员会委员Hong Kong members of the Basic Law Committee
Passengers agreed that the flights represented growing integration between the mainland and the island.
修补和内地的关系mend relations with the mainland
捍卫国土完整safeguard the territorial integrity
根据台湾关系法,台湾受袭时美国有义务协助防守the U.S., which is obligated under its Taiwan Relations Act to come to the island's defense in case of an attack
海协会常务副会长唐树备executive vice-chairman of the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait Tang Shubei
海协会会长汪道涵Mr Wang Daohan, chairman of China's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait
海基会董事长辜振甫Head of Taiwan's Straits Exchange Foundation Koo Chen-fu
Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa has again asked the central government for measures to help Hong Kong's economy.
Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa said the interpretation was "a good thing for Hong Kong" and would put a stop to the wrangling, so that the political debate could progress.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in examining the direction and pace of its constitutional development, must pay heed to the views of the central authorities
破坏「一个中国」原则scraping the "one-China" principle
能够在春节乘搭包机回家will be able to take charter flights back home for the Lunar New Year holidays
托台湾第二大反对党领袖宋楚瑜向北京传话has asked the leader of the island's second-largest opposition party, James Soong Chu-yu, to relay a message to Beijing
高度自治是香港特区在中央授权下实行高度自治a "high degree of autonomy" meant self-government under Beijing's authorisation/"High degree of autonomy" means self-governing under the authorisation of the central government.
动摇支持**的台湾总统候选人和选民sway Taiwanese presidential candidates and voters from supporting a move to independence
When asked whether he felt that Hongkongers were patriotic, Mr Li said he believed "most Hong Kong people love their country".
**主席连战Kuomintang chairman Lien Chan
Chinese state councillor Tang Jiaxuan reiteratedBeijing's strong support for Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa on Friday.
Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
国务院港澳办主任廖晖Liao Hui, director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
国务院发展研究中心港澳研究所所长朱育诚Zhu Yucheng, the director of the Chinese State Council's Hong Kong and Macau Research Institute
坚守一个中国原则resolutely protects the one-China principle
坚守基本法stick to the Basic Law
坚称台湾是主权独立的国家,强调台湾有自决的权利insisting Taiwan is a sovereign nation and stressing the island's right to self-determination
基本法起草委员会Basic Law drafting committee
基本法起草委员会成员a member of the Basic Law Drafting Committee
强调某事的重要性stressed the importance of something
得到基本法保障was guaranteed by the Basic Law
From the moment you set foot on the mainland, our two parties have taken a historic step forward.
处理香港问题dealing with Hong Kong issues
被国际社会孤立is isolated in the international community
贯彻始终实行「一国两制」、「澳人治澳」和高度自治unswervingly implement the policies of "one country, two systems" with "Macau people administering Macau" and a high degree of autonomy
The meetings were never likely to change the central government's mind.
It will be conducive to opening constructive dialogue between the two sides (of the Taiwan Strait) on an equal basis.
这等同干涉香港事务it could amount to interference in Hong Kong affairs
It's the first step towards a significant U.S. policy switch on Taiwan.
This has long been the central government's position.
透过两岸谈判through cross-strait negotiations
Mr Chen said he hoped cross-strait dialogue could resume quickly.
Bishop Zen said the wounds of the interpretation on the right of abode saga in 1999 had yet to heal.
The Supreme People's Court and prosecuting body the Supreme People's Procuratorate issued an explanation.
单方面改变现状unilaterally changes the status quo
单边改变现状unilaterally change the status quo
就选举安排达成共识reach a consensus on the electoral arrangements
Hong Kong should be governed by Hong Kong people, with patriots as the main body./"Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" means Hong Kong being governed by Hong Kong people, with patriots as the main body.
港事顾问Hong Kong Affairs Adviser
港区人大代表/香港地区全国人大代表NPC local deputy/Hong Kong deputy to the National People's Congress
港澳办副主任徐泽Xu Ze, the deputy director of the State Council's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
港澳办副主任陈佐洱Chen Zuoer, deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office
测试香港「高度自治」的底线test the bottom line of our "high degree of autonomy"
Yet it is hard to believe that economic recovery and the debate over political reform cannot continue on parallel tracks.
The great majority of Hong Kong citizens love their country and Hong Kong.
绝对不会为和中国妥协而放弃**never to bargain away Taiwan's independence to China
进一步推动台湾自决has pushed self-determination for Taiwan still further
marching tune We Must Liberate Taiwan
开始大规模军事演习started large-scale military exercises
损害香港利益damaged the interests of Hong Kong
暗示台湾总统不应举行公投signaling that Taiwan's President should not move ahead with the referendum
会为两岸关系的发展带来突破would bring about breakthrough in the development of cross-strait relations
会动用一切可动用的资源及手段,促进香港繁荣及稳定we would mobilise all the resources and efforts that could be mobilised to enhance Hong Kong's prosperity and stability
会被视为干预香港事务could be seen as interference with Hong Kong affairs
会寻求在没有预设前提(前设)下与中央公开沟通would seek open dialogue with the central government without any preconditions
会严重损害两岸关系,并为台湾带来灾难cause severe damage to cross-strait relations and lead the island to disaster
Mr Wen also pledged his full support for Hong Kong.
Wen is likely to push U.S. President George W. Bush's Administration to make clear its opposition to Taiwan's independence.
A half-century ban on direct links between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was officially circumvented yesterday.
adherence to "one country, two systems"
He dismissed the suggestion that the timing for a visit to Taipei depended mainly on cross-strait relations.???
The PLA is ready to crash attempts to split the country.
The statement rejected Taiwanese independence by recognising Beijing's most cherished "one-China principle".
违反了就政改征求中央同意的责任breach obligations to seek Beijing's consent on reforms
违反中英联合声明an infringement of the Sino-British Joint Declaration
违反基本法breached the Basic Law
Over the past five years, we have successfully implemented "One Country, Two Systems" and weathered the Asian financial crisis.
过去五年让香港实施高度自治allowing Hong Kong to exercise a high degree of autonomy over the past five years
对台的三不政策“three-nos”─non-recognition of Taiwan independence; no to one China, one Taiwan; and no support for Taiwan‘s membership of organisations of sovereign
对台湾问题的立场软化has softened its cross-strait stance
对两岸关系带来不稳定因素introduce "an element of unpredictability" for cross-strait relations
维持中港良好关系maintain a good relationship between Hong Kong and Beijing
维持两岸关系不变retaining the "status quo" in the Taiwan Strait
维护国家主权、尊严和领工完整uphold the nation's sovereignty, dignity and territorial integrity
维护国家统一和领土完整to uphold national unity and territorial integrity
vowed that any referendum would not touch on "independence or reunification"
熟悉香港事务are familiar with Hong Kong affairs
确保台海和平secured peace in the strait
确保平稳过渡ensuring a smooth post-handover transition
赋予行政长官激活权gave the chief executive the right to start the process
历史性首航historic first flight
Macau reverts to Chinese sovereignty at midnight on December 19.